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         Our, everyone's favourite and similar opinion about oneself is that - my luck is very hard in this world. In my surrounding someone is getting happy family life from birth. Someone is getting service  easily. Someone is getting beautiful and service-doing wife very easily. Someone has two suns, while I have three daughters. Someone is getting chance to go abroad for job. But my luck is so hard that I can't get anything according to my wish, not even a train on right time. If I am going to travel, on that day , the train will be surely late for 4to5 hours late. On eleventh hour that train will change the priviaceli declared platform. In the train ,in spite of reservation,I will have to suffer. In childhood, I had suffered much because of poverty. My father was very strict man, so I could not enjoyed my childhood. I didn't get job according to my ability. I had to adjust in my marriage about my dream about my wife.  There are our so many complaints about life.
        While we are complaining about our life ,we are only thinking about minus points in our lives,and neglecting towards  plus points in our lives. When we are comparing ourselves with others in our society, we are looking or thinking about only plus points in their lives and neglecting minus points in their lives. This is universal truth that in everyone's life, there are some plus and minus points. To face these minus points and to overcome on them is “the life”. He will be the successful person,who will understand this simple theory, and try to overcome the minus points in his or her life.
          The persons like Hellen Keller understood this simple theory tried hard and by heart and became not only successful but also world famous. We also can see in our surroundings, there are many examples of this type. So a labourer's son or daughter is now becoming a collector. A boy like Prathamesh Hivare, living in slum area in Mumbai is selected to work in ESRO.   4 to5 students from aborigines participated and won prizes in Merethon held in Singapore. A girl , Mamata having both hands and legs short had completed  twelfth board exam.and now wishes to become collector. 


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