I know that in our India, there is a great controversy about Valentine Day. It is presumed that this celebration is only for young couples and for the unmarried lovers and their beloveds. No doubt that many times, the young generation, without understanding real meaning of love, misuses this celebration,which results in ruination.So the protest by the learned and well-wishers of our culture is not wrong. It is seen that generally the senior generation protest this celebration. But you will also agree with me that our raisins (senior citizens) are leading valentine life with their spouse.
In young age means after marriage, many times there can be clashes between husband and wife because of their immaturity and their different natures and sometimes because of surroundings. But when they live with each other for so many years,they start to understand each other's feelings , thoughts and love in real sense. Now their love for each other is mature. Now they are not short-tempered like in young age. Now they take much care of each other. Now they don't need red rose or chocolate to express their love towards each other. Now without words they can understand each other's feelings and thoughts. Now the husband- who had male-ego and was underestimating his wife- now helps his wife in her house-work.
The intention behind the custom of celebrating Valentine Day was same. So we can say that even though, the senior generation,most probably is against the celebration of Valentine Day,in reality, only they have understood real love and they are celebrating and respecting this pure love, not only for one day(i.e.14th February) but for the whole remaining life.
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