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months ago, in news paper, there was a news that one Baba was arrested because he deceived a  person for one lakh by pretending that he knew the ritual to get treasure hidden underground. Sometimes this lust to get so much wealth is so intense, that such persons are ready to kill child and victimise him. Sometimes we listen  that completion of any construction is requiring human victim. Many times, such requirement is fulfilled and such crime is suppressed by every concerned person. Such crimes occur, because it is the fact that in our society there are superstitions.
          In Fact there is great difference in belief and blind- belief, means in faith and superstition. Beliefs or faith in God is always good. Only on that faith many people face difficult problems in their lives. Many times it increases power of mind. But if any person believes on superstition blindly, many times he has to get stuck in serious problems.
           There are many humourous superstitions in our surroundings. For example,if we are going for some important work, and a cat crosses our way,it is believed that  we will not get success in that work. Another superstition is that on Ganesh chaturthi, if anyone will look at moon, in future he will have to face false blame of theft there is a myth relating to this belief. But the solution to save from this blame is more humorous, which hasn't any base, nor there is any logical reason. The solution is believed that the person looking at moon on that day should throw pebbles on the roof of tins of neighbours. Again if a crow is shouting in your courtyard, there will be guests in your house. We can make a huge list of such humourous superstitions. In many advanced countries also such humourous superstitions are in existence.  For example,in Ireland and Scotland, seeing a single magpie is supposed bad but two or more is fine. According to Russian, whistling in and at the sun are both ill-advised. According to the Hungarians and Russians, sitting at the corner of the table is bad luck. So this list also can be very huge. After all, superstition is a question of everyone's faith and everyone's experience. Again everyone has freedom and fundamental right to believe or not to believe. So we can't  mock them. Only everyone should take care that his own beliefs should not hurt others. 


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