Hallo friends! Today is Women's day. Many persons believe that woman is God's mysterious creation. So woman is very difficult to understand. So in our society there are contradictory views about the woman. Some persons consider her as gateway of hell. According to them, she is the reason of many quarrels and battles. There was battle between Ram and Ravan,Kaurav and Pandavas only because of woman. In many houses, there are quarrels between two brothers only because of their wives. So they treat her as chapple, which should be suppressed under feet. Now and then, such persons beat her for very small reason. They think that after doing sins in the lives of 28 Yug,the human being gets woman's life,so now she must expiate all sins.
On other hand, some persons consider her as facsimile of Goddess,Adishakti,Adimaya,Gruhalaxmi. So such persons think that woman is worshipable . But in such circumstances, unknowingly they impose so many expectations on her. According to them she must behave so ideal like Goddess. She must complete her all duties as a housewife, at the same time, she must do outdoor works like banking, attending parents meetings, attending functions at relative’s house, attending guests, economically support her family, attend her old and sick mother-in-law or father-in-law and so on.
On such background,it is very important to know what does she want. Every woman will like to be treated as common human being. She should not be treated as beast and not as Goddess. Her physical and intellectual capacities should be understood and her trivial mistakes should be forgiven. As a common person, her right to enjoy the life while completing her duties should be permitted.
I agree that now, the picture is positively changing. Now, many persons are respecting woman and we can see its results, that in every field now the ladies are also on top positions.In many houses, there is encouragement for her progress. Being human being, in woman also there are some vices.This is also true that in some cases, some women are misusing their rights. Sometimes they are taking disadvantages of the law and their freedom.So it is necessary for the woman also to understand that she should use the laws- made for her protection- as shield and not as weapon. At the same time, she must use freedom only for her and her family's progress. While progressing, she should not forget that her whole family's happiness depends upon her decisions.
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