This is now an admitted fact that for progress, sky should be the limit. It means that as sky has no boundaries,it's scope is unlimited, for your progress also there should be no boundaries. At the same time, it is also true that every one's sky is different. When a person achieves name and fame in the world in any field, his sky is unlimited, beyond boundaries. But at the same time, for an illiterate widow whose husband has committed suicide in the tension to repay the loan, for her to repay that debt and to survive her family is the progress. And when she works as labourer, pays off the loan and at the same time, provides food, clothes and shelter to her family, it is limitless progress for her. Or for someone, to give successful fight against an incurable disease of her family member,can be an unlimited sky.
In many person's life, there are different harsh disasters. But the results of such disasters can be totally different. Some persons collapse for the whole remaining life due to such disaster. But some persons , after a certain short period, get over the shock of the disaster and they choose the same field to work,and they become successful in their mission. Many times they prove ideal and beneficial for the whole mankind. Naturally, such persons are admired and rewarded by the mankind. Such persons have power to change the disaster in chance. Again there are some persons of so firm determination, that any disaster can't stop them from achieving their goal. The best example is of the famous Kathak Dancer Sudha Chandran. Even though, she lost her one leg, with the imputed leg, she achieved her goal of becoming a successful Kathak Dancer.
So, it is true that with hard work and firm determination, we can achieve God. For overcoming the disaster and achieving success, God’s blessings are also important. Otherwise,in our surroundings, sometimes, we meet some persons,who work very hard and sincerely,yet, every time, they have to face unsuccess. So let us pray that every person, facing disaster, should overcome the disaster and be successful in his mission.
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