Some days ago, I read on WhatsApp about female scorpion, that she gives birth to 6- 7 baby scorpions at one time. After birth, when these babies become hungry and as their mother has nothing to give them, the baby scorpions start to bite and eat their mother. And that mother allows them and to feed her babies,she accepts her death. What an extreme type of mother's love!What an example of mother's sacrifice for her babies! At the same time, I remembered that I have heard about a cat that she also gives birth to 3- 4 kittens at a time. And after giving birth to her kittens, that mother cat eats a kitten. It is said that it is necessary for her health. It is the only medicine and tonic for that mother cat. So the cat feels nothing odd for her such behaviour. Both these animals behave according to their natural instincts. The mother monkey's example is again different. We all know the story of a mother monkey, that she tried to save her baby from sinking in the water, but wh...
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