Now a days, it is a well established policy of every political party to pretend that their party is the only party, who cares for the citizens and works only for the benefit of the poors. At the same time, to be successful in their policy, they try to prove that other political parties are deceiving the public. So the public should only trust their party. But, whether this element- to prove ourselves to be the best- exists only in political parties?No. From our birth, every day we are learning the art of living. From our experiences, we are learning and improving ourselves. None is here perfect. In every person, there are some virtues and some vices. Yet, here everyone wants to prove that he is better than others. Even though, any person is not better than others, without improving himself, he finds out the vices of other persons, and tries to prove that he is better than them. So, while, you are trying to be best, many persons surrounding you, wish that you should be clumsy, and you should have to depend on them for even simple works.In such circumstances,even your close relatives or friends take disadvantages of your need of help. No doubt, they will help you, but at the same time, they will remind you many times about it, and enjoy to prove that you were incapable and they are the best. So, sometimes, even the parents or own sons or daughters, husband and wife to each other want to prove that they are better than another. Even, the fully progressed and cultured countries also try to hammer the whole world that their country is the best in the world.
So to be successful in life, only being best, is not sufficient, but being aware that other persons should not discriminate you , is also necessary. So, we should not discriminate others and at the same time, we should not allow others also to discriminate you. Otherwise, everyone will discriminate you, and every time you will lose your confidence. Without confidence it is impossible to be successful. So, be confident is a mantra for success.
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