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For success, there can't be only a single mantra, but when  there is mixture of many success mantras in proper proportion, that person can be a successful person.  Every day, we listen and see many examples of adulteration in market and so we don't trust easily any company or any businessman. So for them means for the company and the businessman, it's very important and difficult to achieve the trust of consumers. At the same time, it is also true that to achieve the trust, only integrity is the best remedy. There is no other option for it. When we see that many families are very successful in their family business from more than hundred years,the key of their success is this integrity.
        Not only in business field, but in every field of our life, this integrity is the key of success. Even though, we  are doing service in private field or in government sector , our promotion depends upon our integrity towards our duty. I know that in these days of partiality or due to bribery or political influences, sometimes we are pushed back, but in future, we prove ourselves the best, only on merit. At such time, we get double happiness for our success as well as for our spiritual satisfaction.
          In our everyday life also,if we are fulfilling our duties towards our family members with integrity, though this is difficult and can create some problems, at last, our family members also admit and admire us for our integrity. So this integrity towards our duties is one of the success mantras. 


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