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If you are suffering from cold, and your nose is flowing, will you cut your nose, or will you take treatment for the cold? You will think, what a silly question! Sorry to say, but our govt.has decided to cut the nose for the disease. Ban on plastic, is this decision. No doubt,that plastic is increasing pollution and the wastage of plastic is proving impediment in natural flow of water in rivers and it is the main substance for the stagnation of gutters. No doubt that this plastic is non- dissolvable. So disposal of the wastage of this plastic proved headache for the world. Again, the animals are eating this plastic and it is harmful for their health. So, this problem, created by wastage of plastic is now dangerous like a monster and day by day, this monster is growing fast.
          But at the same time, we can't deny the benefits of plastic. It is so convenient to use that it has now an important place in every person’s life. It is very light - weight,so very easy to carry anywhere. At the same time, it is so strong that it can carry much heavy luggage. It can carry even liquid. In rainy season, if any one wants to carry important documents,he wraps those documents in plastic carry bag to save them from being wet.  Nowadays, to decrease the weight of heavy machinery, this plastic is used in the machinery where ever it is possible. I know that there is ban on only particular plastic, but in future,ban on all sorts of plastic is the aim. There is no other option available for plastic. Cotton bags - the available option can be used for limited purposes only. When there is rain, a hawker covers his merchandise with thick plastic paper and saves it. But now he can't do so. Now, because of this ban, many industries and companies will have to be closed, and the problem of unemployment will increase. Yesterday, I saw an interview of an industrialist. He has accepted orders to supply some plastic articles in seven countries. He has accepted payments for it. He has taken loan from banks. Now, he can't run on his industry, because of this ban. Now, he will have to face so many problems and to suffer the loss and how will he repay the loan?
      Everyone knows and agrees the awful problem created by the wastage of plastic. So, the proper solution to solve this problem was that like wastage of papers, this wasted plastic should be bought and it should be reused.If it is sold, none will throw it on road, again if someone has thrown it on road,the poor boys will collect it and will  earn money by selling it. It can be reused. For example,an engineer in Pimpri Chinchwad, used this wastage of plastic in preparing paver blocks. In a school in Bandra, this wastage of plastic was filled in plastic bottles and these bottles were used in garden as bricks. At 2 or 3 places, this wastage of plastic is reused for making road. So  such experiments should be encouraged by govt. According to my opinion, this was the best remedy to gain benefits of plastic and to avoid the serious problem created by wastage of plastic. Do you agree with me?


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