Have you seen any young lady of 20 to 25 years old with tension on her face for the whole day,it seems that she is the only person who has to solve all problems of the whole world. So, she has no time to waste in enjoying the life. For her,looking movie,TV serials, eating pizza, burger and noodles is sin. For her, chatting with friends or relatives is bad as well as laughing with open mind is bad. But for her , everyone should be busy in household and in education or in job. In school, college or in office also, such ladies don't waste time in other social activities. In short, their philosophy of life is that we must live only to fulfill our duties and responsibilities.In this sense, we can call them “Worriors".
You will ask me with puzzle,”In which world are you living? Whether above mentioned examples are possible in these days?”But,I met not only a lady of above type, but many girls and women of above category. In our society, there are two extreme categories. There is a category of ladies, with fully developed and progressed personality. I know that now, in every field girls and women are winners, enjoying the life fully like boys and gents. Many times,in our surroundings, there are examples of the ladies, who have misinterpreted and misused. the meaning of the word 'freedom’. Such ladies forcibly compel the world around them, to behave according to their own philosophy.
Yet, at the same time, in real life, I have met many girls and women ,whose personality is suppressed from childhood. Such girls and women are brought up with the philosophy mentioned in first paragraph. Today also many families believe that as the girl has to take care of the in-law family,she must be kept away from all attractions, which will distract her from becoming an ideal housewife. And again ,all above habits mentioned in first paragraph, are not vices to criticise. But, in childhood, if the personality of a girl is so suppressed, there is danger that such girl can lose her decision power. When she becomes adult, yet ,she can't change herself according to the surroundings. She can't adjust herself in that surroundings. She remains sticked with her opinions which are hammered on her in childhood. So many times it becomes very difficult for herself and for her in-laws also to adjust. Again one more danger is that such lady emphasizes to brought up her daughter in same manner.
Who can council such ladies, that she can fulfill her all duties with enjoying the life also?and if she will fulfill her duties without living in so tension,will make her life as well as the surrounding happy. So fight against worries and become warrior and avoid becoming a worrior.
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