In everyone's life, there is an important place for parents. I don't know, whether this is everyone's experience or not, but in my life, in my old age,I am feeling very much sad for their non-existent. In fact, they gave me full quota of all virtues to face all problems in life alone. Yet, for mental support and encouragement, I miss them. My father taught me that we must keep the word and the time, promised by us to anyone else. And this principle pulled success in my life in every field. My father was a teacher and yet he never compelled me to study for hours and hours, nor he placed load on me for first number in class nor for persentages in any exam. In my college life, he showed full confidence on me, and in the whole life, he was my best supporter and best advisor. I could discuss my all problems with him. He was famous for discipline, but I never felt his discipline as troublesome. On my every success, his admiration for me, reflected in his eyes and through his words. His every word uttered to admire me as well as to improve me, had very much importance in my mind.
Comparing to father, I came close to my mother after my marriage. Perhaps it is so because we presume mother every time. I remember that though I was sufficient grown-up, I was liking to drink water with her hands. And she was also indulging it. After my marriage, I realized that she was my “Guru” in cooking and in managing all households. She always supported me and my sisters for learning various arts. Always, she admired me by saying that Goddesses Annapurna,Saraswati and Lakshmi all are living together in my house. But now, after maturity, I realized that Goddess Annapurna was the gift given to me by my mother. Goddess Saraswati was the gift given to me by my father and Goddess Laxmi was due to my father-in-law and my husband.
So, the persons on the first number in my life, for whom,throughout my whole life,I am and must be grateful,are my mother and father.I am so lucky that God gave me such parents.
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