I suppose myself very lucky, because I got so good and generous father-in- law. He, really gave me support like my father. 40 years ago, this man of previous generation, encouraged me for more education and for my carrier. In Fact I was graduate at the time of my marriage,and according to the customs of that period, it was prestigious for the family, and after marriage, in every in-law family, it was expected that after marriage, the lady must give preference to the households and not to carrier. In such circumstances, he told me that I must take more education and start some honourable job, as I was scholar in my academic life. At the same time, he didn't compel me to choose any specific carrier. When I decided to take degree in law, he was happy. By chance, my guide in that field, was his friend.
He also admired my cooking. On every festival, our family was joint family. And after gent’s dinner, when we all ladies in family,took dinner, as a head of family, he always enquired whether every food item is sufficient for us and his more remarkable habit was that he was admiring the best food items of that day, then whoever might have prepared it. What a positive encouragement for us! In my life, I noticed that this habit to admire the ladies of home, specially daughters-in-law, for their cooking skill is very rare. He had five daughters-in- laws, but he never scolded any among them.
Some days ago, a newly married girl met me. She was complaining about the torture by her in-laws. She complained about her father-in-law that he was always abusing her, and for two times, he slapped her. At that time, I remembered my father-in-law's behaviour with me and I realised his greatness.
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