It is believed that the human being is God’s special creation. Because God gave a fully developed brain to human being. And on the strength of this intelligence, human being made his life easier and more comfortable than other animals. Again on this strength of this intelligence, he uses all other animals to work for him. Now a day, it is admitted fact that every person has a common sense to think about what is good or bad for himself. Moreover, now media is playing an active role to aware even the illiterate person living far away from city also, about the hidden truth behind the political incidents. Yet, when mob mortgages his brain and does destructive deeds,it irritates.When the mob burns buses in strike period, why don't they think that the public transport department of govt. will increase the price of passenger tickets and will compensate their loss. Means, ultimately we, the all public will have to pay the compensation.
In last week,we all were watching the disaster on every news channel. Not only in last week, but from 2--3 years, there are so many strikes in our state and every time, only and only coman man, the public ,who had no objection for the demands of the strikers had to suffer much. I have no doubt in my mind that their demands can be justifiable for themselves.But their destructive ways to express their feelings and to create many problems for the public to compel the Govt. to accept and to fulfill their demands,is not justifiable. I know that sometimes other criminals join them to do these destructive deeds for their personal goals. But is it not the responsibility of the strikers and of their leaders to prepare their own plans to prevent such outcomers?
Yesterday, every Indian had celebrated Independence Day. It means yesterday perhaps the arsonists of our national flag also had attended the flag-hoisting program. Is this tendency justifiable? But alas!our such thoughts are futile and it is merely a mourning in jungle. So now, instead of wishing happy Independence day ,it is necessary to wish intense best wishes to our nation.
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