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Showing posts from February, 2018


         HAPPY HOLI,FRIENDS.              Once I have read that our Holi festival should be taken as symbol. In Holi we should sacrifice our all vices, hatred, jelasi about others. But in reality, do we follow it? Never. From next day we continue our life with our all previous vices and feelings towards others. Not only on Holi festival, but in our day to day life, we follow the same concept. While speaking or writing, we emphasis on ethics and morals. We pretend that now we are really a principled person, but when there is question of our personal profit and behaviour, we cover all ethics and morals in a sugar-coated justification, favourable for us. In our society, we shall find very few persons where there is consistency in their behaviour and speaking in throughout their lives                   ...


Have you played candy crush game? Really ,an interesting game.  It engages our brain and mind. Every time, there is curiosity to play,even though we win or lose. In the game, the whole time, we are trying to collect three, four, five of same colour and category in a straight or horizontal line. It gives us marks as well as special candies.           But have you noticed that in real life also, we are playing the same game throughout the whole life. Our aims are scattered here and there on life’s  membran. And to achieve them, we are trying throughout our life. Like candy crush game, at every move the sequence of candies changes on our life’s membran which is not in our control. Moreover, in the candy crush game, our one move affects the remaining candies and the results are unexpected- sometimes favourable and sometimes unfavourable for us. In our real life also, our one decision affects our future, sometimes it proves une...


I know that in our India, there is a great controversy about Valentine Day. It is presumed that this celebration is only for young couples and for the unmarried lovers and their beloveds. No doubt that many times, the young generation, without understanding real meaning of love, misuses this celebration,which results in ruination.So the protest by the learned and well-wishers of our culture is not wrong. It is seen that generally the senior generation protest this celebration.  But you will also agree with me that our raisins (senior citizens) are leading valentine life with their spouse.      In young age means after marriage, many times there can be clashes between husband and wife because of their immaturity and their different natures and sometimes because of surroundings. But when they live with each other for so many years,they start to understand each other's feelings , thoughts and love in real sense. Now their love for each other is mature. No...


months ago, in news paper, there was a news that one Baba was arrested because he deceived a  person for one lakh by pretending that he knew the ritual to get treasure hidden underground. Sometimes this lust to get so much wealth is so intense, that such persons are ready to kill child and victimise him. Sometimes we listen  that completion of any construction is requiring human victim. Many times, such requirement is fulfilled and such crime is suppressed by every concerned person. Such crimes occur, because it is the fact that in our society there are superstitions.           In Fact there is great difference in belief and blind- belief, means in faith and superstition. Beliefs or faith in God is always good. Only on that faith many people face difficult problems in their lives. Many times it increases power of mind. But if any person believes on superstition blindly, many times he has to get stuck in serious problems. ...